Jumat, 30 April 2010

Jenis-jenis Naskah Pidato

Jenis-jenis Naskah Pidato :

Berdasarkan pada sifat dari isi pidato, pidato dapat dibedakan menjadi :
1. Pidato Pembukaan, adalah pidato singkat yang dibawakan oleh pembaca acara atau mc.
2. Pidato pengarahan adalah pdato untuk mengarahkan pada suatu pertemuan.
3. Pidato Sambutan, yaitu merupakan pidato yang disampaikan pada suatu acara kegiatan atau peristiwa tertentu yang dapat dilakukan oleh beberapa orang dengan waktu yang terbatas secara bergantian.
4. Pidato Peresmian, adalah pidato yang dilakukan oleh orang yang berpengaruh untuk meresmikan sesuatu.
5. Pidato Laporan, yakni pidato yang isinya adalah melaporkan suatu tugas atau kegiatan.
6. Pidato Pertanggungjawaban, adalah pidato yang berisi suatu laporan pertanggungjawaban.

Jumat, 23 April 2010


In the name of Allah the benifucent and the merciful. Praise be to Allah Lord of the World. The honorable audience,and all my beloved friend.

My Dear Friend.
The future is full of uncertainity,although some people have tried to analyze and forecast. What will happen but no one can know precisely what will happen in the future,except the Mighty One. People say,”men can only plan but decision is still in God Hand.”

Talking about the future,most children always have something to long for in the future ,although sometimes they imagine something out of reach by healthy mind and just a wishful thinking. However,only the person with well prepared who will survive in the future. Now we live in millennium century. So,it is an obligation for us to plan what will be in the future,because “chance prefer prepared person.”
“Are we as the next generation ready to face it ?” the answer is “ Yes and No,because its depends on our self.”

As you know,the reality show that now our teenager condition is so worry and sadden. Their attitude and behavior persue our country development. Their attitude deviation is getting worst and worst. We can see it from the quantity and quality that raising then the years before.

The devination attitude of them often is illustration from their unsociable personality. It can be show with this indication.
A. often to play truant
B. involved with disobeyment action
C. get skors from school because bad atitude
D. often run away from home.
E. Often doing sex,drunk,and use drugs

My all dear friend,
“Are we still want this situation going on? “ I’m sure the answer is “No” I’m sure we all want things go back normally. Because what will happen to our Country next,if the people who’s gonna continue our country development is broke? How poor we are.

So,to conquer this we still have time and way of course. The solution will be reachable if the important pole (family,school,and society) is support here. Every way conquer have to resulting the same purpose,it is to make a healthy condition that might make them grow well in physic,psychology,and social of the child should be healthy optimal.

the comverhandsive conquer is overwhelm promotive,preventive,preventive therapy,and rehabilitation. There are several things that we can do :
A. healthy condition at school
B. a drug environment
C. healthy intercourse society
D. parents attention and guidance in home

and the last but not least,before I finish my speech I would like to say thanks to my theacer and all my friend who give me strength and support to do this speech.

Thank you for your attention.

Selasa, 20 April 2010


Wasta : Anggita hari prasetyo
Kelas : IX H
No.absen : 2
Bismillahorrohmanirrohim... Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Puji sinareng syukur mangga sami-sami urang panjatkeun ka Allah SWT. Solawat sinareng salam mugi tetep dilimpahkeun ka junjungan Nabi Muhammad saw,ka para sahabatna oge ka kulawargana,sareng ka urang sadaya salaku umatna tug dugi ka akhir jaman. Ibu nu dipikahormat,sareng rerencangan sadaya nu dipikacinta. Dina kasempetan ieu sim kuring baris medar biantara anu judulna “BAHAYA PORNOGRAFI DINA INTERNET”
Salah sahiji bahayana internet nyaeta “Pornografi”. Sateuacan urang nyikapkeun eta masalah,urang sadaya teh kedah paham,tur ngarti oge kumaha hukumna dina agama,khususna urang sadaya salaku muslim. Ngamahaman heula hiji perkara sateuacan nyikepan hiji masalah teh penting pisan,eta sababna Ibnu Sina pernah ngomentar “Lamun teu aya definisi,urang sadaya moal bisa nepi kana konsep.” Kusabab eta ngamahaman,numutan filsuf Iran eta,sami pentingna sareng anu disebut silogisme keur satiap proporsi dalil atawa parnyataan urang jieun. Definisi anu jelas bakal nulungan urang sadaya keur mutuskeun kaputusan jeung panilaian. Heunteu ragu sareng heunteu bingung. Heunteu siga jaman ayeuna,nganentukeun definisi atawa pahaman hiji hal ngan saukur persepsi sorangan-sorangan.
Kusabab kitu,minimal mah urang sadaya kedah muka kamus. Contonna,tina hiji kamus disebutkeun yen pornografi teh nyaeta gambaran atawa tingkah laku sacara erotis tina lukisan atawa tulisan keur ngabangkitkeun nafsu birahi.” Anu penting deui dina nyikapan pornografi nyaeta,pornografi teh teu aya hubungannana jeung kabebasan ekspresi sareng seni. Kusabab sajatina mah,estetika atawa seni tetep kedah saimbang sareng etika.
Kumaha sareng Islam? Sabagai muslim,atos jelas urang sadaya kedah wajib ngajadikeun Islam janten pedoman hirup urang sadaya. Terus oge,ulah nepikeun ka satengah-satengah nagmalkeunna dina Islam. Allah swt. berfirman “Hai jalma-jalma anu ariman,asup anjeun ka Islam sacara kasaluruhan,sareng tong nepikeun nurut kana langkah setan. Sasungguhna setan teh musuh anjeun anu nyata.” (Al-Baqarah:208)
Kukituna urang salaku muslim kedah sadar bahwa eta pornografi teh dosa,komo deui dina internet anu gampang pisan ngajurumuskeun urang sadaya dina dosa,saena mah urang ngamanfaatkeun internet sakabutuhanna dina jalan anu positif.
Sakitu wae,anu tiasa sim kuring haturkeun,mohon maaf lamun aya kalepatan sareng kakurangan. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb